Hi, my name is Zachary Walkowiak
I am a Full-Stack Software Engineer.

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Hi There!

I'm Zach, currently living in Southern California as a recent software engineering bootcamp graduate and a Marine Corps veteran. I specialize in full-stack web development, but I have a passion for a diversity of technologies and software engineering domains. I am always looking for new opportunities to grow and expand my knowledge in the field of software engineering.

Prior to making this career shift, I had a very fun and unique career as a drone pilot in both the Marine Corps and with Amazon. I have always had a passion for technology and the intersection of hardware with software.

In my spare time, I enjoy surfing, hiking, going for a run, or reading a good book. I'm excited to continue my journey and look forward to any prospects of further advancing my career! Please feel free to send me a message down below!

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Truth-in-Tech is a platform dedicated to providing unbiased and informative reviews about technology companies and their associated job salaries.

This full-stack application was built on a lightweight FastAPI back end coupled with a PostgreSQL database, connected to our React front end through RESTful APIs. Developed an interactive and user-friendly interface using JavaScript with Bootstrap, and made efficient data queries utilizing Python and SQL. Created robust unit tests to ensure FastAPI endpoints functioned as expected in order to mitigate bugs or errors in production code.

My team and I saw development through from a concept in our wireframe, to database design and layout, through development and deployment of the final product. Through collaboration, we made use of GitLab and mob-programming to implement Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) of our application.

Technologies used: FastAPI, PostgreSQL, Python, React, Redux, JavaScript, Docker, Bootstrap

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UltimateAuto is a car dealership management application designed to streamline inventory tracking, sales, and service appointments for new and returning customers.

This application was built with a microservces architecture, providing comminication between services via RESTful APIs and data pollers. The front end was built using React to create a single-page application, with the back end being built on the Django framework. Each service was containerized on Docker providing a seamless deployment process opportunity.

Technologies used: Django, Python, React, JavaScript, Docker, PostgreSQL

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Flappy Bird Replica

This project was a solo endeavor, and was built using the Pygame library in Python as a replica of the popular mobile game Flappy Bird. The game was built to be as close to the original as possible, and was built to be as user-friendly as possible.

The creation of this game was the culmination of several fine details brought together. I started by cropping the images to be as small as possible to be used for creating each "surface". This allowed me to draw rectangles around each cropped surface, minimizing the impact radius of the bird with the pipe obstacles.

Next, I needed to implement a more realistic sense of gravity (i.e. non-linear fall-rate). Following this, I needed to create a way to track the score and display it on the screen as the player progresses through the obstacles. The score is reset when the game ends. Finally, utilizing Python's random library, I created dynamically positioned pipes for each new iteration, varying the positioning of the gap between each set of pipes.

Technologies used: Python, Pygame

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Technical Skills


I'd love to show how I can contribute to your team! Feel free to give me a call or send me an email and you will hear back from me the same day.

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(951) 434-7074